Relight Project リライトプロジェクト

Relight Project

Relight Project is an art project and platform to set up to generate dialogue among people from different walks of life, to figure out ways to, literally or symbolically, re-light the artwork, and to active the artwork as a device to question the role of art in wider society.

In 2011, to pay respect to the victims of the 3.11 disaster, artist Tatsuo MIYAJIMA turned off his public artwork entitled “Counter Void” whose subject and purpose is to question “life and death” and which had illuminated the Keyakizaka area of the Roppongi neighborhood of Tokyo. Since it was turned off at the request of the artist on March 13th, 2011, it has served as a memorial to the souls of the victims. Since then, it seems as though the unbearable feelings of those days following the Great East Japan earthquake disaster have faded from memory. There have been fewer and fewer people engaging in the recovery efforts in the devastated areas, and the country has moved forward as though the influence of the 3.11 disaster has completely passed.

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人間の「生と死」をテーマに作られた東京を代表するパブリックアート『Counter Void』は、東日本大震災の発生から2日後の3月13日、震災による犠牲者への鎮魂の意を込め、作者である宮島達男自身の手で消灯されました。


一人ひとりの3.11に対する思いや記憶が移り変わる中、人々の心に問いと気付きを生み出すシンボルとして『Counter Void』を再点灯させると同時に、未来の生き方や人間のあり方を考えるプラットフォームを目指すプロジェクトです。
