Relight Project
Relight Project is an art project and platform to set up to generate dialogue among people from different walks of life, to figure out ways to, literally or symbolically, re-light the artwork, and to active the artwork as a device to question the role of art in wider society.
In 2011, to pay respect to the victims of the 3.11 di…
カテゴリー: Projects
Peace Shadow Project ピース・シャドウ・プロジェクト
Peace Shadow Projectは、「核なき世界」の実現を目指した、新しいアーテイステイックな署名(表現)活動です。主義も主張も違う人間一人ひとりが、各地で行われるワークショップやウェブサイトから、きちんと目に見えるかたちで、「核はいらない。」とのメッ…
Kaki Tree Project 「時の蘇生・柿の木プロジェクト」
The "Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project" is an art project through
which people can learn about peace and the importance of life.
kaki tree in Nagasaki miraculously survived the atomic bombing in 1945. The purpose of our project is to hand out saplings from the mother tree to children around the world and encourage them to express themselves through …